This was my very first Mother's Day--and it was spectacular. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend with my boys. A big THANK YOU to Ted and Leslie Belden for letting us use your beautiful Lake House. Getting away from everything (and everybody) was exactly what this Mama needed!
Friday was Parker's 9 month birthday. I started looking back at his newborn baby pictures--it is hard to grasp how much he has learned over the past 9 months. It seems like just yesterday he was brand new and relied completely on Ryan and I. In 9 short months he would much rather be crawling and exploring than cuddling with us.
We headed up to the Lake after work on Friday. As soon as we got there and got our stuff unpacked I could immediately feel myself unwind. There is something so relaxing about the fresh air and the sound of waves lapping up on the shoreline. I will have to say that this trip was quite different from the last time Ryan and I were there--but definitely just as wonderful. It was 2 years ago, and we were celebrating our Anniversary. Needless to say Parker was our little Souvenir. I loved getting to share one of my favorite places with my little man.
As soon as we got there we walked down to the bank. Parker LOVED the water!
Then when we got back inside it was time to play. He wanted to pull out every toy that we brought (as well as a few that his friend Hayden leaves up there).
After about an hour the poor guy completely conked out!
On Saturday, we had another very laid back day. I think that Parker's favorite part was trying out his new swim trunks in the tub with daddy.
Mommy's favorite part of the day was sitting in the hot tub enjoying the gorgeous view with Ryan (Parker was napping at this point).
On Mother's Day, Ryan let me sleep in, cooked me breakfast (and cleaned it up) and then to top it all off let me watch Lifetime Movies. I certainly couldn't have asked for a more memorable Mother's Day weekend! Thank you Ryan and Parker! I love you both so, so much! A post with pictures of our weekend will be coming shortly (and by shortly, I mean when I can find a spare 5 minutes to upload them).
I have no idea how I missed this post and the fact that you had posted it. MY BAD!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you three had a good time and you had that little souvenir!!!
The pictrure of Ryan and Parker in the bathtub is precious!!!
Happy belated Mother's Day!!!